Faculty Of Allied Health Science News


Medical Laboratory Science is a dynamic professional programme designed to provide a broad basis of fundamental scientific knowledge and its applications, such that the graduates of the programme would be well equipped to meet the changing needs of modern scientific knowledge in Health care and to enable them to proceed for further training.

The courses offered are designed to expose the students to core areas of Chemical Pathology (Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Chemistry), Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences, Histopathology, Medical Microbiology, Immunology and/or Immuno-Chemistry as well as Instrumentation and Techniques.

Students are required to broaden their knowledge by taking ancillary courses in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Physiology Pharmacology and GST. They are also expected to understand the working of laboratory instruments and existing techniques and modify them where applicable. The practical aspect of the degree programme prepares the students to fit into any diagnostic laboratory in hospitals, research institutes, food laboratories, entrepreneurship, supply chain of quality reagents/equipment and other allied fields. Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS).


The vision of Kaduna State University is to become a University of the world-class standard with excellence in applied Sciences and sustainability studies.


The Mission of the Kaduna State University is to provide an all-round University education of the highest standard for the development of the individual and the State while inculcating the spirit of love, tolerance, understanding and Unity in the State in particular and the Country in general.


The Kaduna State University shall promote excellence in knowledge acquisition through teaching, research and community service and fully foster innovation and creativity by taking full advantage of globalization and a knowledge-based economy. It shall maintain the international character of a university and uphold the ideals of the community within which it is situated and at the same time promote unity in Kaduna State and the nation at large.

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